"potluck" (non JW) "Share-a-Dish" (JW)
Simon Morley
JoinedPosts by Simon Morley
Why do all the COs have food intolerances/allergies/special dietary requirments?
by Julia Orwell init's a well known phenomenon i've observed from jwn, my own cos. a new co we had once who was fresh from being a normal elder and after a couple of visits he said, "well i've finally become a true co...i now have food intolerances.".
i mean, only once did my husband and i ever have a co around for dinner and they couldn't eat this, he couldn't eat that, she couldn't eat this...it was so hard to cook something with none of the zillions of things they were 'allergic' to.. and then after all that the wife couldn't come anyway because she had a naturopath appointment or something.. why do all co's seem to have weird dietary problems?.
NAME ONE USEFUL THING done by Russell, Rutherford, F.Franz
by Terry insimple question: pastor russell must have accomplished as least on practical thing in his life.
divine plan of the ages chart?
Simon Morley
Russell: Having a beard but you can't have one
Rutherford: Getting drunk but you are not allowed
Franz: Plaid shirts but you cant dress like that on the platform.
Do you think "Blondie" is addicted to reading Watchtowers and Awakes?
by booker-t ini remember when i was a "devout" jws i could not wait to get the new watchtowers and awakes from the wednesday nite theocratic ministry school.
i would actually salivate thinking of the new information jehovah had in the magazines for us.
i was "franatical" and i would go home still in my three piece suit and devour the magazines that very nite.
Simon Morley
Kudo's Blondie!! Apologies for my incorrect inference as to your "status". Your posting repeatedly helped me (as I lurked for most of 2009) and my wife make the decision to fade in fall 2009 and cease altogether in early 2010. so while I have your attention - a deep heartfelt THANK YOU!!!
Do you think "Blondie" is addicted to reading Watchtowers and Awakes?
by booker-t ini remember when i was a "devout" jws i could not wait to get the new watchtowers and awakes from the wednesday nite theocratic ministry school.
i would actually salivate thinking of the new information jehovah had in the magazines for us.
i was "franatical" and i would go home still in my three piece suit and devour the magazines that very nite.
Simon Morley
BookerT: Blondie's WT disections are the least she contributes here. Whenever a doctrinal viewpoint or an already explored topic come to the fore you can guarantee that Blondie will provide factual background and references. I believe that her weekly disecetion of the WT keeps her research and analysis skills well honed so that she can quickly respond in the ways she does.
Like Mr. Flipper I don't read them as much as I used to - but once in a while I enjoy her articles and take her reminders to heart. Given her circumstances and deciding to remain "in" I am sure it is not easy to disect the WT they way she does without some pain along with the benefit of it perhaps being a form of catharsis for her.
I'm on the Stage Const. Crew - Here at the Arena right now!!!
by tresdecu inafter lunch i will be the guy nail gunning the plywood letters to the top part of the stage.
so when i get to the word truth, i am going to mutter "bullshit, bullshit, bullshit....etc" the whole time i'm nailing the letters, obviously very quietly to myself.
;-) that way when i am listening to the bs tomorrow, i can smile to myself knowing the letters have been properly christened!
Simon Morley
Just as a brother says "...friends we are all in a..." The first "T" and the "H" fall drop to the ground.
Former Long Time Elder - Judicial Committees
by James Jackson inwhen i first was appointed as an elder, i could not wait to be on a judicial committee.
it semed like most hearings invovled middle age men and women cheating on their mates because either they had married early or felt that were being neglected by their mate.
most times i felt i need to take a long hot shower after a hearing.. the toughest part was seeing these sweet young children grow up in "the truth", and now you are about to judge their future based on their repentance.
Simon Morley
I too served as an elder for almost 25 years and was on many jc's - many of which turned out for the better (contrary to conventional GB wisdom I always erred on the side of mercy). Even 1 d/f was too many for me and there have been many. Since leaving ( three years) I battled with my conscience as to the share I had in changing these people's lives. Some trully warranted it - such as one, whose offspring was the product of a relationship with his maternal aunt who went on to molest and stalk his daugher. If I could have ripped his meat and two veg off that night I would have done it.
I have consoled myself in realizing I was equally dupped and regardless of my actions there is a God that cares otherwise. Add to this that whenever possible when I encounter one I have been part of a d/f I make sure that I tell them how sorry I am and that I had no right to do what I did and that their relationship with God is there own, not one dtermined by a bunch of men.
Ding: I can empathize with JJ, many of us who served as elders did it because we trully believed at the time we were doing what was right. The majority who served did it out of self serving reasons, many of which were delusions of self importance. Quite a few I noted seemed to enjoy the details and making a woman feel like crap.
Welcome JJ!! YOu will find many more like you who have had the scales fall off.
Massive flooding in Alberta, Canmore, Calgary
by Simon incanmore has been hit really hard, looks awful.. and all that water is coming our way .... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=m9f35m-fovi.
Simon Morley
My company office in downtown Calgary was not affected but is closed - no power. Those who cannot work remotely from the office are being encouraged to join in the volunteer force and help out. Would most dubs do that - nah...lets say we will help and take the day off.
Emerg efforts have been stellar. I also have business interest in Canmore that was not affected, but again the comraderie and support of a community is overwhelming. I wonder how many dubs were truly so willing to be self sacrificing in a time of need. It brought tears to my eyeys when a single parent interviewed on CBC with two children living on what was clearly a challenging income offered her home to anyone. She even offered to take in any pets displaced. Sheesh...
This brings me to the DC in Calgary. On Wednesday night would they not have been busy cleaning the gum off the floor, caked urine from the washrooms and sticky pop remnants from the last Flames season? Would all of the sound equipment and the publication releases already be in the building? Lets hope jehovah saved all those publications.
Former Long Time Elder, New Member
by James Jackson ini have served 20 years as an elder, 5 years as an ms. was on the district committee in 2010, held various positions on the district , circuit, and rbc level.
probably been on more than 100 judicial committees and even an appeals committee.
was the coordinator in our congregation and deleted because adult child was df ( i kicked him out at the time of his wrongdoing, but that wasn't enough for thr brothers).
Simon Morley
Welcome! I was an elder for 21 years (Coordinator, active with RDO, DC and SA), not born in, my wife and I stopped attending in 2010. I linked up with JWN about a year before leaving and I can say that there is a huge caring community here deeply concerned about each others welfare. I can fully understand why you are still attending, don't feel ashamed (thats what the WTBS does). You will slowly regain your life back as you make the adjustment back to normal life. Reconnect with your son, nobody should come between you and your family.
Jws and urban myths!
by Julia Orwell injws sure love urban myths.
the jws have their own collection built up over many years, part of their own unique worldwide jw culture.
i've come across the same ones in america that i've heard in australia, and they pass from legend to myth and finally reality as quoted from the platform.
Simon Morley
What galls me when I hear of all of these myths is the lapse in logic JW have a penchant for. There are many myths that have God providing a bag of groceries, a cheque in the mail, money in an enevelope, etc and many more about divine protection such as the burly angels behind the two old sisters, the ability of a bible (NWT of course)to absorb or deflect bullets and protection from demon posessed Cabbage Patch Kids and Smurfs. Yet this same God apparently cannot protect ones like Candace Conti from repeated, heinous and animalistic sexual assault within the so called spiritual paradise or a bus load of JW`s enroute to a convention being killed. The logical conclusion is that if all these myths were true then God would not be arbitrary when faced with other situations. Also for a group supposedly not superstitious they sure love their demon stories.
It got to be hard being a JW today!!!!
by jam ini can understand why they think the end is near.. in the old days, one was proud to be a jw (well maybe.
not for you young ones) but for us that came in the 60,s.
and 70,s, we felt no shame in our game.
Simon Morley
Consitently as both my wife and bump into our past JW aqauintences it is amazing that they all have the same refrain. When asked "how are you doing?" the consistent reply is either "oh, well, okay", "we are getting by" or "well, so-so, you know". I have decidied that I will no longer ask them how they are doing as I am doing very well, extremely happy and glad to be out of that toxic environment. So much for that 'happifying" shit.